Hope and Faith

We need hope and faith to have victory in the midst of this world’s dark forces. Hope, as it is used in the Bible for the distinctive experience of Christian hope, is equivalent to confidence concerning the future. Romans 5:5 says, “Hope does not put us to shame,” this mean that we are always be confident no matter what kind of situations we are in.  Now faith, on the other hand, is the bigger concept. It includes everything that we say biblically about hope, but it is more. It’s a risky statement — that everything we can say about hope is in faith.

Nevertheless, faith involves more than having “confidence or positive thinking.” Faith involves relationship with God, living a Godly lifestyle, and unceasing prayer; it is unseen things within a person that something God has promised that will happen in the future. Now, Hebrews 11:1 is the place where we see this interweaving of faith and hope, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for.” The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:6–7, “We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.” Hence, one element of faith is that it embraces as real things you cannot see through our eyes — like the risen Lord Jesus. The Apostle Paul elaborated, “We are away from the Lord. He’s in heaven; we’re on earth. We cannot see him. But though we can’t see him, we love him. We trust him.” We walk by faith, not sight. Faith is the experience of the substance of future reality known, believed, tasted, and cherished now in our minds and hearts.