Not Too Late for a Miracle

We are Here to Pray for You


Praying Always

Any time you have a prayer need, we are here with free, confidential prayer support.


God is Waiting For You

We need hope and faith to survive and have victory.


Our Mission

We are driven by a mission to grow faith, instill prayer life, and cultivate community as well as support the military and their families.

Our Outreach

Submit Your Prayer Request

We are here to receive your urgent and special prayer requests to increase your Faith

Bible Study Request Form

The Bible is the greatest of all books; Ignorance of it is ignorance of God.

Read About Our Program

It’s a Great Program for Our Community and for our Warfighters & Their Families: This is to empower them by imparting hope, faith, and generosity. Also, we connect with them through our special ministry “Amazing Miracles Hotline” and assist them to “pray through” their special needs and help to bring God closer to them. The Bible is the only source of strength and comfort for the men and women who so bravely defend our nation, wherefore, we conduct Bible Study. At walk the talk, live a Godly life, and combine our talents to build something greater for the Kingdom of God and share the good news.’s vision is to make a heavenly planet, where everyone leaves a legacy of helping others to have hope, love, and faith.